Hello again!
Did a silly thing tonight or at least a silly thing was done by me by a chair... the Thai people are rather small and Kiwi's well lets just say in the rugby games I have about four of the "larger" teens hanging off me as I walk to a try.. if you run they bounce off you! OK... now imagine the chairs they sit on... the plastic is ... ummm thinner than that required for Kiwi's... OK.. picture this if you will... we are all sitting discussing strategies for tomorrow's teaching at a senior school.. Our group.. the music group is giving the lesson plan when right in the middle of my explanation of counting beats and rhythmical patterns and relating it to teaching English in the said patterns the "thin" chair collapsed under me... now at this moment you should also know apart from the broken toe I lifted the nail on the other foot big toe whilst playing rugby on the concrete.... ok.. back to the chair... you with me? Good... I immediately went from a seated position to a sprawled position on the tiled floor... wrenching my back.. which is now sore as heck,,, Taken painkillers and reckon I'll troop on...
The group has had a few mishaps.. three have a cold... but are continuing on... Steph has now lost her voice.. and hurt her knee.. Tes had jelly belly and the list goes on.. today someone got a Thai bee-sting which was rather unpleasant considering the circumstances of the requirement to walk in places... ummm... theres more but at this stage the painkillers are kicking in so I'll sign off..
As one was standing.. Frann.. dear Frann was getting up as well... as we are side by side... all of a sudden the keyboard caught in her legs and came crashing at a hurtling speed ....down on... yes.. you guessed it.. my toe... the one that was damaged in the rugby game... oh yes.. Frann must have it in for that toe!
Right... NOW I am off to bed.. yes folks this is truly it for tonight.. which will be morning in unzud... or afternoon.... in oh I'm too tired to work it out...
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