Sunday, 17 January 2010

Andrew's perspective

G'day from Andy Sawtell

Pakpingjai has changed little in the past two years. Aside from material things - significant extentions to the area where we are staying and some swing sets - there is a continuation of the sense of family amongst all the PPJ people. More than merely a home for the young people who live here, it is a community centre where children are free to play and members of the village visit on special occasions.

A short walk around Bantham Village and the wider community gives a sense of the struggle of life here. Many homes have no furniture. Thatched roofs are in need of repair, chickens and dogs roam freely in the street during the day. Some families work just once a year during the harvest season and manage the money they receive for the rest of the year, no doubt leaving them with very little towards the end. Imagine having to budget one paycheck for an entire year. Feeding, clothing and educating a family can stretch a poverty-stircken family beyond its limits. Thanks to the dedication and unconditional love of Samarn and the generous donations of our Church and others, the children of many of these families have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Having the opportunity to continue the work of our Church, to interact with and educate the children is a privilege. Being my 2nd visit to Pakpingjai, I knew what to expect. But seeing the reactions of the other members of the group, and how being here is affecting them, is truly moving. I am blessed to have returned to Pakpingjai.

Andrew (Andy) Sawtell

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