Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A few words from Ian Kilgour

The Spectacular Bangkok International  Airport and our overnight stay in the equally spectacular Novotel Hotel was to provide the vivid backdrop and contrast to the reality of Pakpingjai and its environs. The basic simplicity of Pakpingjai and its amenities reflects the life lived in the surrounding villages and district. Along every road and lane are family dwellings set in lush vegetation  with stalls at their gate selling food produce and products of every kind.

On Sunday afternoon we were treated to a visit to a model village which was originally  set up with funding from the Government of Thailand but now is self-sufficient. At its entrance was a Buddhist Temple, education and community centre where we were all made very welcome and given a history of the village. Their hospitality was gracious and dignified.  The village contains 250 families with each family producing some part of what the community needs for its development and prosperity. What impressed was their use of every available natural resource including beetles and every square metre of land.

So my first challenge to reflect on is the impact of this  sustainable and co-operative village/community with their faith life at the centre. There is an obvious challenge to us to live and model our Christian values and living in a similarly compelling way. It is my conviction that Jesus intended his alternative vision for the world to be demonstrated using the principles and values we saw in operation . Just imagine New Zealand society using co-operative economic values and with faith informing its heart, rather than unbridled materialistic development, insatiable consumerism and with faith relegated to the periphery of life.

Ian M Kilgour

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