It's truly strange to think there is only 3 and a half weeks to go before we embark on the adventure that is the PPJ trip! Only 23 days until we meet at the airport. Just three weeks before we pack our bags.. yet in between we have Christmas and the new year! At this point you should know who I am, the person who has been pestering you for your bio's! So here it is...
Pete's Bio...
I was born in the 1950's... 1958 on the last day to be exact! That makes me 53 when we leave for Thailand. In all those years I have had a simple faith in God. Sometimes it has been tested but through it all that faith has stayed with me. Through the days of playing punk music in bands, through days of doing things that weren't great, through the horrid times of seeing tragedy, through the fantastic highs of this year's marriage to Sharyn and through the excitement of the RWC this year... faith has sustained me, fed me and given me strength.
I was born into St Heliers Church. I remember in the 60's, the great big (to me) pulpit and Rev Kenwood hollering his message of obedience to the congregation.. Memories flood back of the Johnson hall and bible class, the upstairs Sunday School and Family church camps on Waiheke. The sights of old men and women, families, kids and much more are vivid in my memory. The smells of polish, wood, perfume and a little mustiness hung in the air like a cloud of the finest droplets. The blue pew cushions, the prayer books, leather covered bibles....All those memories and all those wonderful experiences remain with me even today.
In 1983 I travelled to Aussie after playing in various bands and completing an apprenticeship in Aircraft Avionics.... After 19 years in Australia I returned to St Heliers and our loving Church. The once towering Pulpit has become smaller in my eyes and the "no-go" area on stage right is now the place of the grand piano. Where the really important people sat on the front left is now my Sunday office behind the wonderful Sonar drum kit! Even the Christening font somehow looks less frightening! Yet for all these changes, there remains a brilliant calm about the place. (except sometimes when we try a new song !) and a wonderful sense of community. My role in the church is quite easy. I turn up each Sunday morning at around 8:30, hit the drums a bit, and return home full of hope.
Yet despite my simple role on a Sunday, for this trip I have a very important role. I am your communications leader. That means basically I help you keep in touch... with yourselves, with each other, with the community and perhaps even with God. Anything to do with communications is my portfolio, so please make yourself known and let's stay in communication... surely that is what God wants. If we don't communicate, we don't live up to his expectations, and that for me would be sad.
So what do I do for a job? I am exceptionally fortunate to have work that is also my passion! I own a music school called Talent Train. I teach drums, production and a little guitar... I employ my cousin teaching guitar and together we teach kids from the age of 5 through to teens. To see these kids progress is truly wonderful.
Perhaps my work has prepared me for PPJ. I remember last time that the experience was almost too overwhelming, but at the same time so rewarding. This time I am more prepared and go into the trip knowing it will be hard but so very enriching.
I have a wife Sharyn, and stepdaughter Tessa (18) who went last time, plus two stepsons, Elliot (22) and Davis (20).
My sporting passion is taken out on the Rugby field where I play for the Presidents grade for College Rifles. To keep fit I work out in the gym 4 to 5 times a week. I also enjoy and have participated in motor racing both two and four wheels. My motorcycles are like my extended family in a way!
Anyhow... that's all for now... take care and see you all soon!!

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